May 23, 2014

Fruit Pops!

As the hot weather is RIGHT around the corner (if you live in the Northeast)
One of my favorite summer treats... (actually almost all-year round)
is a home made fruit popsicle.  They REALLY are  awesome because of
many reasons.  They are healthy, delicious, refreshing, all-natural (literally),
super easy to make, fun, easy to eat/lick/suck/bite, did I mention
delicious?   What's also sweet about them is that you can REALLY make it your own.
You can cultivate these fun fruit pops by using whatever you, your family and friends
like. If you don't like a certain type of fruit for whatever reason... simply
don't use it!  Use your favorite fruits and mix them up or not!
You can also change it up by pureeing the fruit or dicing them up into small
pieces or both. Whatever floats your boat.... or pops in this case.

The easiest way to make these is-  to get all your fruit ready.
Get little paper cups out and line them up in a row or 2.
Add your fruit and then lastly add your little wooden popsicle stick at the end.
Lay them on a tray or plate (I just place them on a paper plate )
right in the freezer.  If you are eating them individually-
just take the paper cup wrapper off as you eat it but if you are serving it
to multiple people- it looks attractive if you take off /rip the paper cup
off for everyone and simply lay them upside down so that each person
can just grab their fruit popsicle  by the stick!

Zestfully Let's Cultivate Food